The Sloaney Magazine reviews Facial Acupuncture with Kate Winstanley at Grace Belgravia.
"A treatment that can slow down the aging process and produce flawless skin is hard to come by, unless, of course, you opt for a quick fix like Botox. Here at The Sloaney our beauty team have tried and tested many different types of facials, some drastic and some not so, but one that has never been tested before is Facial Acupuncture.
Grace Belgravia, London’s first private women’s club on West Halkin Street, has an excellent medical centre that offers members (and non-members) this innovative, natural treatment. Regarded by some as the non-surgical facelift, facial acupuncture works by inserting small, disposable needles into the skin that relax facial muscles and stimulate cells to produce new collagen fibers. This curative approach also unblocks energy channels which encourages blood to circulate and help break down toxins, leaving skin looking radiant and youthful.

Being relatively squeamish about needles, I was uncertain about the prospect of turning my face in to a pincushion. However, since acupuncture promises such superb results, I was certainly intrigued to try it.
Arriving at the rather decadent Grace Belgravia, I was taken to the medical centre where I was introduced to my acupuncturist, Kate Winstanley. Kate, who has a broad knowledge of Western medicine, is known as London’s “go-to” acupuncturist. If her skin is anything to go by, acupuncture certainly works; Kate’s is positively flawless.
After filling out an extensive medical form and further discussing my eating habits, stress and anxiety levels with Kate, the facial began. To say I was apprehensive would be an understatement, but I barely felt the sharp tip of the first needle on my skin. After a short time, I started to enjoy the sensation. The only uncomfortable moment I encountered was when Kate inserted a needle into the tragus on my right ear; this is known as the feminine side and is considered a powerful point in the body. For a few minutes it felt like a dull ache, but it soon passed and I began to completely relax.

Once the treatment was over, all I could think about was getting home and having a snooze, but first I wanted to study my skin. With some facials I find that you don’t often see the results until the day after, but that was not the case with acupuncture. Directly after the facial my skin was glowing; I looked fresh and revitalized.

Following a succession of facial acupuncture, skin is said to look firmer, eyes become brighter, fine lines are significantly reduced and blemishes fade away. However, acupuncture is not a quick fix when your skin is looking a little grey. To truly achieve great results, one must have a healthy lifestyle and that calls for nutritional support.
Diet is the main cause of skin problems and aging, so addressing what you are putting into your body will work in harmony with acupuncture to help you heal from the inside out. If you are unsure how to approach a balanced eating plan, try James Duigan’s Clean and Lean Diet as featured in my Bride-To-Be series early this year."