Cult Brand The Midult names Kate 'Best Acupuncturist'
Cult Brand The Midult has named Kate as one of the 'very best' acupuncturists. Kate was delighted to be mentioned in a list of...
Cult Brand The Midult has named Kate as one of the 'very best' acupuncturists. Kate was delighted to be mentioned in a list of...
Sarah Vine, journalist, was facing the dilemma: to Botox or not? Here is what she discovered... "Looking old is not just about wrinkles;...
I've been on yoga retreats, wellness retreats, spa weekends. This time I wanted a bit more, a retreat where I could learn meditation...
I’m always first in line when the Body Worlds exhibition comes to town. I love seeing the human form in all its incredible layers -...
When Geri Horner got pregnant again at age 44 she called her son Monty her ‘little gift’, and now Geri has revealed that he was conceived...
Kate was asked to comment on a new pair of tights that claims to stimulate acupuncture points to help relieve stress and PMS! "Perhaps...
Once again Kate is proud to be credited as one of London's most sought-after health and wellness therapists. Who: Kate Winstanley...
Kate was delighted to be featured in The Culture Trip's list of the Top Acupuncturists in town! Â She was recognised particularly for her...
Vogue writes about the benefits of Cosmetic Acupuncture. Target wrinkles, dull skin, rosacea, acne and puffiness. Acupuncture has been...
From anxiety to sleep problems, look to acupuncture for a spring boost Having felt run-down for a few weeks, with an ever-increasing list...
From anxiety to sleep problems, look to acupuncture for a spring boost A patient of mine recently took the brave and brilliant step of...
Cosmopolitan's Feature's Editor Sophie Goddard explores the wonderful world of Acupuncture and asks Kate how it all works. Sophie: "So...
Dear Friends A big Happy Christmas to all my patients and acupuncture friends! Thank you for making 2014 such an exciting and rewarding...
I recently got sent this article from The Huffington Post. It is written by Sara Calabro and found it too good to keep to myself!  Please...
Acupuncture is best known as a treatment for controlling our aches and pains but few of us know that acupuncture can also be used to...
Dear Friends Welcome to September!  We're all slowly getting back to work, back to school and back into a routine after the fun days of...
Lemons are vitamin C rich citrus fruits that enhance your beauty, by rejuvenating skin from within bringing a glow to your face. One of...
Kate is delighted to be working with Honestly Healthy writing for them about Acupuncture. Â Her first article is on 'Acupuncture and...
Daily Mail hails Facial Acupuncture as anti-ageing weapon "FACIAL ACUPUNCTURE: Has proven results at improving the signs of ageing as it...
In my clinic stress and anxiety are the most common problems I treat. In addition to acupuncture treatment I find that meditation is a...