Dear Friends
As the nights draw in and the leaves gather on the ground we know Autumn is upon us. Autumn follows the harvest, signaling that it is time to prepare for winter. With Autumn comes a sense of gathering in, stocking up, mingled with a sense of loss as the light begins to fade and the air chills. It is a time to eliminate what is unnecessary and become aware of what is essential.
Kate Winstanley Acupuncture Clinic News and Press
* To banish the Autumn blues, Lomax Chelsea are planning a Stress Busting Week November 6th - 10th. Most of us are in a chronic state of stress which is exhausting and causes dis-ease. We will re-balance your overstressed adrenal glands with package of acupuncture, nutrition advice, massage, osteopathy and EFT. Look on my Facebook page 'Kate Winstanley Acupuncture' for more details coming soon.
* Word seems to have got out and I have had a flurry of media coverage with articles in The Sunday Times Style Magazine, Psychologies magazine and Easy Living magazine talking about the overuse of painkillers, headaches and stress-related IBS. Thanks again to all those involved. www.katewinstanley.com/press
* I hope to soon be able to announce some exciting collaborations with top London specialists including a Sleep Clinic and a number of retreats in the UK and abroad.
* If you've missed any of my blogs you can read them here: www.katewinstanley.com/blog. Recent blogs cover insomnia, hot flushes, migraines and PCOS.
* Oh, and love it or hate it, look out for Lomax Chelsea featuring in Made in Chelsea on 26th November!
Acupuncture on the NHS
* Step away from the painkillers. Acupuncture is now proven to reduce headaches and migraines. So much so that NICE (the UK's National Institute for Clinical Excellence) has concluded that a course of acupuncture should be prescribed by GPs.
* Don't forget that GPs can also refer you for acupuncture for chronic lower back pain.
Kate's Top Tip
* Avoid ice cold drinks. The digestion is a warm process so drinking icy drinks puts out the digestive fire and can leave you feeling sluggish. Hot water is even better and for extra brownie points add a slice of lemon.
* The same goes for food so load up on lovely soups, casseroles, dahls and enjoy their warming, nurturing energy. And don't just carve a pumpkin, eat one!

Kate's Book Club
* 'Conscious Medicine' by Gill Edwards is a book that has deepened my understanding of illness and healing on a professional and personal level. I would highly recommend it to anyone who finds themselves in a chronic state of stress. We are ever-evolving beings, shaped and moulded on a day-to-day basis by our thoughts, behaviour and environment. This book guides us on how to step out of the 'habit' of stress and reap the rewards.

* 'Honestly Healthy' by Natasha Corrett is a beautiful, inspiring cook book for healthy, delicious food - it even got me dusting off the oven-gloves which for those of you who know me is quite a feat!
If you have any questions I'm always happy to chat (07794 621027) or drop me an email (kate@katewinstanley.com). Keep up-to-date with me on Twitter and Facebook. And, finally, please share this newsletter with friends who may benefit from acupuncture.
Best wishes for a cosy and heart-warming autumn. Kate x
“So much more than simply an acupuncture treatment - Kate Winstanley is capable of performing life-time miracles!" Vicki Edgson, the UK’s foremost nutritionists and spokesperson for women and health.