Over the next few weeks I'm going to be trying out some of the City’s top weight loss methods in the lead up to bikini/Speedo season.
Tried and Tested: The Food Doctor Clinic
Last week I visited The Food Doctor Clinic in Harley St (www.thefooddoctor.com), to see how a holistic (in the truest sense of the word) approach can help when it comes to tackling the tricky issue of eating.
● The Nutritionist’s Advice: Don't think you have to white-knuckle it with a bit of fish and salad at lunch in order to lose weight. In fact, it's a false calorie economy as your body needs those starchier carbs to see you through the afternoon. To keep mid-afternoon cake pangs at bay, have something like a smoked salmon pitta bread at lunch, or a salad with rice and avocado in it to bulk it up.
● The Acupuncturist’s Role: For most people, stress is a given these days, particularly in the City – bad news for the waistline as some studies have shown that stress and elevated levels of the stress hormone cortisol tend to cause fat deposit in the abdominal area. Very recent research from Georgetown University Medical Center found that acupuncture reduced the levels of a protein-like substance in rats linked to chronic stress: “It has long been thought that acupuncture can reduce stress, but this is the first study to show molecular proof of this benefit,” said the study’s lead author.
● The Psychologist’s Take: If food is your crutch and something you turn to for comfort, find another crutch. It’s as easy to get hooked on diving or golf if you work at it. Sometimes it’s not about eliminating crutches but finding ones we can live with and a sporting fix is a way better one than a Stella or takeaway one – and just as effective. According to new research from the University of Bergen, extreme sport athletes may be just as addicted to thrill-seeking and their impulses as, say, compulsive gamblers are, it’s just that their addictions are somewhat healthier.
Verdict: I liked the way the advice was realistic and catered for a busy, stressful life and took into account the fact that most people don’t want to give too much up to get in shape. I also like the idea that comfort eating can be tackled in the process. laurawilliamsonline.com